Express Yourself

Peter Rollins posted this on Twitter this morning: Society not only informs us of what the law is, but also what transgressions of the law are acceptable. As such it allows us to act out against it in a sanctioned way. One that makes us feel rebellious without really challenging the system. In this way… Continue reading Express Yourself

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Hungry like the wolf

Duran Duran… I know I must be tired or something, but it does reflect something of how I am feeling. I have just returned from a week long conference in Belfast. The title of the event was The Idolatry ofGod , I shall be writing up more of that at other times suffice it to… Continue reading Hungry like the wolf

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I just want room to live

I made a news years resolution at new year. I don’t make them every year, the last one I really stuck at was to give up smoking and that was 13 years ago. I think for a new years resolution to work it has to be something that can be measured and as it based… Continue reading I just want room to live

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Rip it up and start again

We had a discussion about church the other night. Nothing too unusual, we have them quite frequently, however, this time it became quite heated and people got upset. The gist of the debate was my proposition that the church tends to make people more unhappy than happy. I contested that it is not possible for… Continue reading Rip it up and start again

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Say Hello to the Angels

My father passed away last week, this is the eulogy I am thinking of delivering at his funeral next week. It was a long time before we realised that dad was ill. Not the illness that took him from us 12 days ago, I knew almost from the first time we saw him lying in… Continue reading Say Hello to the Angels

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