I Have Cancer.

Self Portrait

Time may be notionally marked by the number of days we have been alive but it’s marks are visible in the decay and decline of our bodies

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Artificial I

Artificial I,
Wrote Greek tragedy
In the style of The Simpsons.

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Philosophy for Life

Stop wishing you were someone else, somewhere else doing something else.

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Know Your Place

I recently had the pleasure to, once again, attend a Rebel Art Club event. For those of you not familiar with this clandestine organisation, we are a group of (somewhat) creatives that meet on-line from time to time to share our artistic response to a particular brief.

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Bin Day

its bin day again
watch the weeks waste away while
life is recycled

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I am finding myself drawn to poetry and death. So here is a poem about boats (it’s not really, it’s about death)

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Remember This

Remember always that this is happening to everyone, you really are not alone – don’t feel like you are and don’t live that way

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Garlic … Bread?

It’s fair to say that, growing up, I ate conservatively. I was well into my teens before I ate pasta or pizza.

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