You Spin Me Right Round Baby

Earlier in my life I ran a youth drama group. We were called ‘Weekenders’ and we met, appropriately enough, on a Friday evening at the start of the weekend. We didn’t actually do much drama towards the end despite a couple of pantomimes when we started out. They were hard work, especially for the leaders,… Continue reading You Spin Me Right Round Baby

Categorised as writing

Where For Art Thou?

I must have walked past this shop many times whilst it was engaged in its self-appointed mission to keep art affordable. From the evidence of this photograph it would appear that they were not up to the task. Or perhaps they succeeded and the price of keeping art affordable is the very business you set… Continue reading Where For Art Thou?

Categorised as writing

Arty McArtface

I have been considering art for the past few weeks. These are the images that have stimulated my thoughts. I wanted to post them separately as images because I think they are thought provoking enough in that form but I am currently writing something that links them together….

Regrets I’ve Had a Few

I am currently on holiday (in the sun) in (on?) Crete. Yesterday we did something we rarely do when vacationing, we went on an organised excursion. I really don’t know why we have seeming steadfastly baulked at such adventures in the past. Probably because of the children though they may have been a comfortable excuse… Continue reading Regrets I’ve Had a Few

Categorised as writing

You Are Enough

This title is the brilliant art concept by Micah Purnell. I am currently composing something in response to the idea. This is the first idea I have put down so far, there will be more to come and some words so do please check back in soon for a listen or link to my SoundCloud… Continue reading You Are Enough

Categorised as music

You’ve Got To Roll With It

Today has been a baking day. The first picture is a sourdough loaf I made from a brilliant new book Katy bought me for my birthday. It is called ‘Flour Water Salt Yeast’ and it explains how you can just use these four basic ingredients to make really interesting artisan style bread. You basically work… Continue reading You’ve Got To Roll With It

Categorised as baking

Take a Cha Cha Cha Chance

I posted this picture along with several others in a post last night about it being Anne’s birthday. I wanted to highlight this image though and explain a bit about why it is significant. The first thing to note is that we are all there at the allotted time and place. We planned this meal… Continue reading Take a Cha Cha Cha Chance

Categorised as writing

Anne’s Birthday

I love our family celebrations. The shape of our family has changed a lot in the past five years. Today would have been a very different day. Friday was Adams 18th, the last of the children coming of age. So now they are all adults. Where next?


I titled this ‘Spinozan’ for 2 reasons. I couldn’t think of a name I was thinking a lot about the philosopher Baruch Spinoza I am sure that if anyone heard this who knew him they would agree that it sums him up nicely……

Categorised as music