Garlic … Bread?

It’s fair to say that, growing up, I ate conservatively. I was well into my teens before I ate pasta or pizza.

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The Way You Look Tonight

You have to hand it to the crooners of the 1950s. In song, at least, they knew how to pay a compliment.

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I Wanna Be Your Dog

Just what is living in the moment though? Why is it so important thing that we, as humans, should be being trying to emulate another species ability to do it? More importantly, how does one attempt to try it?

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You’ve Got a Friend in Me

There are few absolutes in life. There is no innate me and there is no inner you. Our relationships ultimately define who we are.

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Mind Your Language

Morrissey is a public figure who has always divided opinion. His legion of acolytes adore him and hang on his every utterance whilst his detractors – an ever increasing number that now includes many former fans – are as vehement in their vilification.

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Play up and Play the Game

I have a friend who cannot understand why anyone watches organised sport… no one ever seems to win ‘Football’, it just goes on and on with no conclusion.

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Get Me To The Church (On Time Or, Invariably, Late)

Sunday afternoon was probably the most boring, tedious, excruciatingly dull period of time ever when I was growing up. I hated it. I can recall it so vividly now. Nowhere was open, nothing was on the telly – even if we were allowed to switch it on.

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Chop ‘Til You Drop

I am a charity shopper (Chopper). I try not to get all self-righteous about it – it isn’t primarily for ethical reasons that I do it – it is just my preferred way to shop.

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Start As You Mean To Go On

I am actually something of a fan of resolutions at new year. There is something appealing about making new starts, in resolving to change something in ones life and the turn of the year/decade/century seems an appropriate point on which to do so.

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Introduction to Part 2 – What Do I Know?

He never claimed to be an expert and is perhaps best known for his assertion – ‘What do I know?’. This was the starting point for his writing and it seems like a good way to approach the next section of the book.

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