God is Watching Us

It seems incredible that the concept of social distancing had never been heard of until a few days ago and now it is literally everywhere.

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We Were Talking…

We are hearing a lot about social distancing at the moment. Like most countries in the world we are in the grip of the virus known as COVID-19. The latest variant of the Coronavirus strain somehow passed from animal to human and is spreading, relentlessly, across the globe.

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A Trouble Shared

He must have been troubledHe is not nowHe passed his trouble onHe gave it all awayHe gave some to the young lad on the platformHe gave some to the driver He gave some to the emergency services He gave some to the station masterHe gave some to meHe should really have shared his trouble out… Continue reading A Trouble Shared

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But Some’s Got Balls and Chains

Kempy, on the other hand, down in Bellmarsh, was indulging in a much less hands-on observance of the containment of some of Britains most notorious and violent offenders. And Tommy Robinson.

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He’s a Real Nowhere Man

Nothing in life is free, it is said, so what is the cost of the things we say in the name of ‘free speech’ but, more importantly, who pays?

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What the hell am I doing here?

I taught myself a new word today – autodidact. Clearly, my attempts at self-education were not as rigorous as I had previously presumed them to have been. You are never too old to learn something new.

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You Spin Me Right Round Baby

Earlier in my life I ran a youth drama group. We were called ‘Weekenders’ and we met, appropriately enough, on a Friday evening at the start of the weekend. We didn’t actually do much drama towards the end despite a couple of pantomimes when we started out. They were hard work, especially for the leaders,… Continue reading You Spin Me Right Round Baby

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Where For Art Thou?

I must have walked past this shop many times whilst it was engaged in its self-appointed mission to keep art affordable. From the evidence of this photograph it would appear that they were not up to the task. Or perhaps they succeeded and the price of keeping art affordable is the very business you set… Continue reading Where For Art Thou?

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